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Jnanapravaha – Audio Library

Jñānapravāha Audio Library


Part 1 of the 'VEDANTA IN OUR LIFE' video series

About this series

This series of talks was recorded in Rishikesh from 27th March to 2nd April 2005 at Swami Dayananda ashram. It was customary for Pujya Swamiji to visit his Rishikesh ashram to conduct Vedanta retreats during the months of February, March and April of each year.
In 2005, Swamiji conducted eighteen classes on the topic ‘Self-Knowledge and How to Love Oneself’.
For the benefit of a wider audience and newcomers to Pujya Swamiji’s teachings, these retreat class videos have been split into two parts. These sessions of half an hour duration each were broadcast every Saturday for 36 weeks on the AIM for Seva’s YouTube channel.
About this series
This series of talks was recorded in Rishikesh from 27th March to 2nd April 2005 at Swami Dayananda ashram. It was customary for Pujya Swamiji to visit his Rishikesh ashram to conduct Vedanta retreats during the months of February, March and April of each year.
In 2005, Swamiji conducted eighteen classes on the topic ‘Self-Knowledge and How to Love Oneself’.
For the benefit of a wider audience and newcomers to Pujya Swamiji’s teachings, these retreat class videos have been split into two parts. These sessions of half an hour duration each were broadcast every Saturday for 36 weeks on the AIM for Seva’s YouTube channel.