Download Pujya Swamiji’s Audio & Video

Online Store for Pujya Swamiji’s digital media

At the Jnanapravaha Online Store you can order Audio- & Video recordings of Pujya Swamiji’s public talks and teaching of Vedanta.

All audio- and video series can be ordered for download only.

If you want to buy Pujya Swamiji’s books or USB card drives with Pujya Swamiji’s teaching, please visit the website of Arsha Vidya Research and Publication Trust at

Books and USB card drives ordered from can be shipped to your address or can be picked up at the AVRPT office at Chennai/Mylapore.

The list of A/V series that can be ordered for download is not complete yet. Please visit again soon to see all the available series which will be made available for download order.

Audio/Video Series available for download

Showing 1–4 of 13 results