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Jnanapravaha – Audio Library

Jñānapravāha Audio Library

Listen:   Guided Meditations - Contemplation on Ishvara

“The classical definition of meditation is saguna-brahma-visaya-mānasa-vyāpārah, action centred on Īśvara. “

“Meditation highlights one’s inseparable connection with the Total, Ishvara. Through various steps, one is brought to one’s own self, recognising all the way the presence of the whole at every level of oneself.”

“The classical definition of meditation is saguna-brahma-visaya-mānasa-vyāpārah, action centred on Īśvara. “

“Meditation highlights one’s inseparable connection with the Total, Ishvara. Through various steps, one is brought to one’s own self, recognising all the way the presence of the whole at every level of oneself.”
