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Resident Sannyasi
Jnanapravaha Resident Sannyasi

Swami Ramesvarananda Saraswati
+91 95007 77910
Swami Ramesvarananda, by the grace of being born in Pujya Swamiji’s birth place, Manjakkudi, had an association with him early in life. He had an early exposure to Pujyasri’s classes and when he moved to Mumbai in 1976, and continued to listen to his teachings.
He enrolled himself to the first batch of Bhagavad Gita Home Study initiated by Pujya Swamiji in 1990. He took early retirement from professional life, was the manager at AVG Anaikatti in 2007 and moved to Arsha Vidya Research and Publication Trust two years later. Since then he has been blessed to do intense shravanam of Pujya Swamiji’s talks – he was instrumental in publishing the major works of Pujya Swamiji- Vision of Gita, Taittiriya Upanisad, Brahmasutra Catussutri, Sri Dakshinamurti Stotram, Drg Drsya Viveka and the latest Mandukya Upanisad with Gaudapada Karika and Bhashya and Pujya Swamiji’s commentary on all these.
Swamiji after initiation into sannyasa by Swami Sakshatkrtananda Saraswati, chief Acarya at Swami Dayananda Ashram, Rishikesh, is now residing at Manjakkudi overseeing the activities of Jnanapravaha – Vedanta Study Centre, and Arsha Vidya Research & Publication Trust. He also takes weekly online Bhagavad Gita Home study classes, and writes a blog titled ‘Understanding Life’.

Swami Ramesvarananda Saraswati
+91 95007 77910
Swami Ramesvarananda, by the grace of being born in Pujya Swamiji’s birth place, Manjakkudi, had an association with him early in life. He had an early exposure to Pujyasri’s classes and when he moved to Mumbai in 1976, and continued to listen to his teachings.
He enrolled himself to the first batch of Bhagavad Gita Home Study initiated by Pujya Swamiji in 1990. He took early retirement from professional life, was the manager at AVG Anaikatti in 2007 and moved to Arsha Vidya Research and Publication Trust two years later. Since then he has been blessed to do intense shravanam of Pujya Swamiji’s talks – he was instrumental in publishing the major works of Pujya Swamiji- Vision of Gita, Taittiriya Upanisad, Brahmasutra Catussutri, Sri Dakshinamurti Stotram, Drg Drsya Viveka and the latest Mandukya Upanisad with Gaudapada Karika and Bhashya and Pujya Swamiji’s commentary on all these.
Swamiji after initiation into sannyasa by Swami Sakshatkrtananda Saraswati, chief Acarya at Swami Dayananda Ashram, Rishikesh, is now residing at Manjakkudi overseeing the activities of Jnanapravaha – Vedanta Study Centre, and Arsha Vidya Research & Publication Trust. He also takes weekly online Bhagavad Gita Home study classes, and writes a blog titled ‘Understanding Life’.

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