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List of Swami Dayananda Saraswati’s Books

Published by Arsha Vidya Vidya Research and Publication Trust

Arsha Vidya Research and Publication Trust (AVRPT) transcribes, edits, collates and publishes Pujya Swamiji’s teachings, lectures and writings with the sole objective to spread the vision of our traditional spiritual texts and scriptures through systematic expansion of quality print and publishing media at affordable prices. 

Swami Dayananda Saraswati personally edited the majority of the books before they are printed. So far, AVRPT has published around 70 titles under various series such as Public Talks, Moments with Oneself, Exploring Vedanta, Text-translation, Upanisad series and many more in the offing.

At present the Trust houses more than 5736 hours of master transcripts of Swamiji’s teachings. Another objective, besides printing Swamiji’s books, is to create an Archive cum library to preserve the teaching tradition, taught by Swamiji, in its pure and pristine form for posterity.


List of Pujya Swamiji’s Books

Click on any of the Books to open the Book's Preview

Public Talks

• Public Talk 1 – Living Intelligently
• Public Talk 2 – Successful Living
• Public Talk 3 – Need for Cognitive Change
• Public Talk 4 – Discovering Love
• Public Talk 5 – The Value of Values
• Public Talk 6 – Vedic View and Way of Life
• Public Talk 7 – Sadhana & Sadhya
• Public Talks – Talks & Essays Vol 1 (Pt 1+2)
• Public Talks – Talks & Essays Vol 3 (Pt 1+2)


• Taittiriya Upanisad Vol 1+2
• Mundakopanisad Vol 1+2
• Kenopanisad
• Mandukya Karika Vol 1-4

Brahma Sutra

• Brahma Sutra Catussutri


• Tattvabodhah
• Sadhana Pancakam
• Vivekacudamani
• Drg Drsya Viveka


• Morning Meditation Prayers
• What Is Meditation

Sanskrit (Translation)

• Bhagavad Gita (18 chapters with verse meaning)
• Sri Rudram


• Exploring Vedanta


• Teaching tradition of Advaita Vedanta
• Compositions of Swami Dayananda
• Swami Dayananda Saraswati Contributions
• Without a Second

Bhagavad Gita

• Bhagavad Gita Home Study (9 Volumes)
• The Vision of the Gita (In Ten Essential Verses)


• Do all religions have the same goal?
• Conversion is Violence
• Gurupurnima
• Danam
• Japa
• Can we
• Moments with Krishna
• The True Teacher
• Hinduism … its uniqueness

Moments with Oneself

• Freedom from Helplessness
• Living versus Getting On
• Insights
• Action and Reaction
• Fundamental problem
• Problem is You, the solution is You
• Purpose of Prayer
• Ishvara in One’s Life
• Vedanta 24X7
• Freedom
• Crisis Management
• Surrender and Freedom
• The Need for Personal Reorganisation
• Freedom in Relationship
• Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya
• Yoga of Objectivity
• Stress-Free Living
• Purnamadah Purnamidam


• Diparadhana
• Prayer Guide (with explanations of several mantras, stotras, Kirtans and Religious festivals)
• Public Talks – Talks & Essays Vol 3 (Part 1+2)